Finally got some round decals ready to ship.... I have 6 available at the moment (more coming). The decals are $2.00 each... which is my cost to have them made. If anyone is interested, send me a PM with your address and how many you'd like and I'll get them sent to you!
Prefered payment would be through Paypal, but you may also send a cheque... Again this money doesn't go towards the club, and I make no profit... just covering costs!!
Hey Statik, I sold the last of the ones I had a few weeks back... however I can order more if you'd like. How many do you want? I should put in an order to have some more on hand anyway... it just might be a couple weeks
I ll probably be ordering 5 more .can some be made so they stick inside and show through the windshield...........and in the future go may be 5 inch or 6 inch
Hey guys, new decals are on order (coming soon!) Sorry flatduck I can't get them so they stick on the inside (which I agree would be cool!) but the company I'm getting them from doesn't offer that style... and 3" is the largest size I can get. Although a larger 7" decal to stick on the inside is a cool idea and something that can be looked into :)
Sorry for the delay guys... been sooo busy (moving, new job, sick children yada yada) decals are in I just have to pick them up lol... I will keep you posted, don't worry you'll get them in time for spring!
OK guys decals are in... let me know if these numbers are correct for how many you want
Scruff - 5 StatikPulse - 5 flatduck - 5
If you could PM me you mailing address I'll get em sent out! They are $2 ea. (again just covering my cost I make no profit) You may send payment through PayPal to or cheque... OR cash if I'm going to be seeing you at some point lol... let me know how you'd like to do it...
After these 15 are gone I will have 3 left... so if anyone else would like one let me know :)
I will look into the other site stroker mentioned for pricing and maybe a larger size.
Hey Adam, thanks for doing this. E-mail me your address and I'll send your money out to you. Don't worry about sending the decals as I'll pick them up when I see you for the Lindsay market.