Picked up a 'Tote Gote' from the scrap pile.It's fitted with an 'Aftermarket' 8HP Briggs.
Hold my beer and watch this !
'65 Ford pickup
Pulled it apart for cleaning,welding and painting.Made a gas tank 'relocation kit'.
Nice score.8hp should make it work good!
That's me; best seat in the house!
Looks like a fun project! I picked this up last summer to redo for the grandkids.
Need to find a clutch for it tho.
Dragged the eEnglish wheel out to try and make a front fender.
Gas tank was too close to the engine for any work I had to do so I moved it on top of the frame.
new old throttle grip and brake levers.
Just the carb nozzle now ans she's a go'er.
How do you get kicked out of this place??
Got the carb all set up.