Been on site for a bit so I figured I should post an intro ,late ; like a true LOSER. In fact I,m such a LOSER I,m moving back to Ontario when lesser LOSERS are coming Yup , I,m a LOSER. I,m also a lifetime carnut and am presently restoring a 58 GMC and 65 Chev pickemup,s and going gasserstyle on a 53 pont. 2dr.
Thanks for the welcome, LOSERS. I plan on moving to the north bay area ,as near to the new Bonfield drag strip as possible. Would like to buy something with a large shop on it but I anticipate I,ll probably have to build. At my age I,m not really looking forward to that but a gearhead LOSER must have his toys and a place to tinker. I,m from Dunnville area but R.E. prices and gov,t crap on building and vehicle restrictions is keeping me away and I do love the north.
Welcome ''Rusty'', Grew up in the ''Bay'' area, left, never looked back! Cool ''Poncho'' man, the only thing cooler than a ''gasser,'' is two ''gassers'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!! With a few more new members we might be able to hold a first ''LOSER-PALOSERA'', or ''LOSER-MANIA'' Can see it now, what a bunch of LOSERS,