Hey, guess who is going to be in town again. Me. Any of you LOSERS want to meet on the 29th of April for a chapter meeting??? I have some business cards to pass out.
I could probably make it...but would work better if it was after dinner and closer to the west end...I have 2 young kids and a pregnant wife at home , so things can get a little crazy around here and my free time gets gobbled up pretty quickly
west endish could be done just need to see if we can get the Kid to pick up Mike at the hotel on the way by.Chances R at College Square Baseline and Woodroffe ?.
The wife's been working 10hr days so I'm on the fence. As we get closer I'll know more. I'm still driving a sh*tty a$$ F150 with no back seat. If we do make it extra passengers will be tough unless of course Mike decides he wants to lay in the back under a tarp.
You guys know the area better than I. I am game for anywhere. I am staying at Hampton on Coventry so i can cab it if it isnt $1000. Let me know where????
Right across from my work!
If Plodger doesn't pipe up with a definite for the west end before tomorrow, we could always do the lone star again, if that's acceptible. Right down the road from your hotel too.